Month: November 2008

Playing tag

Huge thanks to the lovely Rosiero for a yummy Kreativ Blogger award (why is it spelt like that, I wonder?). Such a delight to be given a pat on the back by a fellow blogstress, and especially Rosiero, whose blog is such compulsive reading. Part of the award is to reveal six fascinating facts about …

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A taxing business

My dears, I simply must tell you about this clever wheeze. It’s called Child Tax Credits and the government gives it to you – for having children! Yes, it really is that fab and simple. I was told about it by my lovely friend, Slippers, who is also a single mother, but apparently married people …

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Secondary thoughts

Ah, the joys of the Secondary Transfer season. This just has to be the best spectator-sport available in the grim winter months, as all the parents in the village get themselves in the most almighty tizz, trying to crowbar their darlings into the school most likely to put them on the optimum dinner party list …

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A rose by any other name

Have my darling children and I not suffered enough? Have we not been buffeted sufficiently by the move from Abroad and the reign of terror of the Puma of Peckham? And all that’s without even mentioning True Love and his antics. Huh! Well, you might feel we’ve been through traumas aplenty. I certainly do. But …

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