My dears, I simply must tell you about this clever wheeze. It’s called Child Tax Credits and the government gives it to you – for having children! Yes, it really is that fab and simple. I was told about it by my lovely friend, Slippers, who is also a single mother, but apparently married people can get it too. According to the website, 9 out of 10 families are entitled to something – though of course you never hear a thing about it. Anyone would think that naughty Gordon Brown was keeping it a secret! Anyway, I don’t see why he should have it all to himself, do you?
It’s in addition to Child Benefit, by the way. If you have a look on the website, there is a clever little whatsit which works out whether you are entitled, and what you might be entitled to. Have a peek and tell me what you think.
I hope that’s going to help everybody in these nasty, credit-crunchy times. Just call me Mother Christmas!
Otherwise, there’s little to report – except that I am working in an office!!!! I shall have to tell you all about it another time, though, my dears, as it’s my turn to get the tea. But, just to keep you in the picture, a quick update on some of my pressing issues:
1. Jury Service. A nice letter came from the Coroner, saying that he was ‘sympathetic’ to my situation. I wasn’t sure whether this was a response to my assertion that I knew way too much about court proceedings, having been given a DVD of Kramer vs Kramer by Mr X some years ago, or whether it was due to my other rambling excuse, that I had no childcare, could get no childcare, and would never be able to afford childcare, which is, of course, true, despite the wonder of Child Tax credits. Anyway, I don’t have to go. And now, of course, I feel rather cheated. Why does life work like that?
2. Moths. Not one has been sighted for months now! I put this down to assiduous bleaching and the best efforts of Mme Bovary, the cat, who loves eating insects. Yeeeeesh.
3. Mr X. Slightly less vile! Is he planning a further outrage? I’ll keep you posted.
4. True Love. No change! Sigh.