Hot Potato
I’m not quite sure who this charming lady is, but she has a very clever tip to pass on to you: Potato salad will never be the same again! Dulwich Divorcee
I’m not quite sure who this charming lady is, but she has a very clever tip to pass on to you: Potato salad will never be the same again! Dulwich Divorcee
The gorgeous B, she of the dream home/husband/children/life/oh-and-did-I-mention-she-is-also-thin, shows she has all the above, and a sense of humour, too. She sent me this little joke, which I can’t resist passing on, even though it will scare my one male reader, the lovely Chairman Bill: “A man escapes from a prison where he’s been locked …
How do I do it? It’s Mother’s Day, and I’m on my own. The children are with Mr X and, as the cherry on the top of the cake, it’s no speakies with True Love. The children didn’t even say Happy Mother’s Day on the phone this morning. Well, they’re only small(ish), and the Mother’s …
Being back in an office has been a revelation. I had no idea, for instance, that people still made instant coffee! And my lovely co-workers can be such a giggle. The Comic Relief poster by the coffee machine, sporting the grinning chops of the lady who used to do Big Brother, was carefully annotated by …
I’m indebted to one of my lovely friends Abroad for these pearls of wisdom. I’m never sure whether people want to be acknowledged by name in these pages, and after all, I cling to my own negligee of anonymity as desperately as any other Dulwich mummy cleaves to an unmaxed-out credit card – but you …
Gosh, life in Dulwich can be exhausting. Let me talk you through my schedule and, by the time I’m finished you, too, will be yearning for a gin and tonic, a juicy re-run of ER and the love of a good man – and very good luck with that around these parts, my dears. It …
I ring my lovely brother, who does terribly clever things on the other side of the world. He is quivering with outrage. Amazon has just sent him an unsolicited email, you know, one of those ‘serving suggestion’ ones, saying more or less, ‘you’ve bought that book, so you’re bound to like this book – buy …
Do you ever feel that you don’t understand the man in your life? Do you, perchance, feel that it’s hard to communicate with the opposite sex? Well, worry no longer, for, as a reknowned expert on misunderstandings, contretemps and, indeed, divorce, I have decided to step into the fray and provide the world, and most …
Lampreys, the Inland Revenue, spring, security letter boxes with extra-thin slots at stations – these are just a few of the things I’ve been musing on this week. But somehow, none has made a blog’s worth of thought worthy of troubling you with. So I’m off to see the lovely Susanna at to catch …