Phew, what a day yesterday at Britain’s Next Top Model Live 2010! I must admit that I have never watched a single episode of BNTM or the American version, but a lot of friends are diehard addicts and I knew both Child One and Child Two would LOVE it.
We were lucky enough to be invited by our lovely friend Magdalena Rutkowska, who is the official artist at the show and has created some amazing catwalk canvases especially for the event. Magda usually runs exhibitions herself, counts Boris Johnson amongst her many fans and has exhibited at the Royal Academy, so we were privileged to get a personal tour from her.
The girls had a fantastic time posing for mock-up covers of Company magazine, getting glitter tattoos and having stars and hearts painted on their nails. We had freebies of Becca SPF 30 skin block, Thorntons fudge milk chocolate (yum), Simple moisturiser, and some lovely Redfoot fold-up shoes, so clever if you go out in stiletto heels and can’t quite make it back home again the same way. One thing they DIDN’T try was this tadpole foot massage:
We also saw X Factor star Diana Vickers performing live (I’m afraid I’ve surpassed myself with the photo and made the poor girl look like a singing ant) and Aleesha Dixon was there promoting her new jewellery range, which is rather sparkly and fab.
The highlight for the girls was a once-over from Models One, who told them both to come back when they were taller! They were thrilled, as you can imagine. I am not so completely delighted. I’m not sure many mothers dream of putting their children on the catwalk. Not since Kate Moss’s confession that she’d never got to the end of one sober, anyway. But maybe they won’t grow.