
For us, the holidays began last Thursday and we’ve already been to France and back. In fact, we may have peaked too soon … there are an unfeasibly large number of weeks looming ahead with only the occasional half-baked plan wobbling around in them.

If you, too, are now looking down the barrel of the summer holiday with a frisson of fear in your tummy, relax. I have the perfect place to stow your children. Maybe not for the entire duration, but certainly for a fun-filled day out. It’s a dungeon.

The London Dungeon, to be precise, or its offshoots in York, Edinburgh, Hamburg or Amsterdam. I am sure they are just as grisly, ghoulish and deeply fascinating to gently-bred children.

I have a free family ticket to give, for two adults and two children, to go to any of the Dungeons. It’s valid until the end of March next year so you’ve got plenty of time to make your minds up about where to go. Just leave a comment on this post and I’ll draw names out of the hat next week.

Good luck!

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