Downton Abbey

It’s murder

I know I’ve said this before, but we rarely find anything to watch on telly in the evenings which doesn’t involve a woman being murdered. Either the drama comes from the behind-the-cushion terror that some maniac is on the loose, cutting up women …. or it comes from someone in a white coat, cutting up …

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Terrible telly

Well, I’m very sorry, but it’s just not on. There is nothing on telly in the evenings. Nothing. Not One Thing. Outrageous. Like many hard-pushed intellectuals *hmmm* I find it essential to wind down of a soiree with a bit of TV before I retire to my boudoir. But last night I was reduced to …

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Making a killing

We were settling down to watch telly last night when I realised something. There is almost no drama on TV these days which does not feature women getting dismembered. I don’t know if it is the time of year, or the recession, or some deeper malaise at work,  but if you want to watch a drama …

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