
A couple of bloggers I am really fond of have said, lately, that their blogging mojo is flagging, and I know what they mean. There are days when walking the fine line between revealing too much – and how much is too much? – and still attempting to remain a tiny bit entertaining just seems a little bit too much like hard work. Nearly all of us in the Mummy blogging corner do this as a hobby, and when a hobby starts to become work, well, that’s when you stop.

For me, wading through thousands of spam comments really gets me down. I feel I have to delete them all as, sometimes, nestling among the strange missives from Tyrone C. Gatreaux, Asian Babes, Louis Vuitton Handbags et al,  (to use a few of the names fit to print) there is a genuine, new comment from someone nice.

I was talking about this to TL the other day, and he said, why don’t you just close older posts to comments? Then they wouldn’t be able to keep spamming you. Genius. I’ve done it. Let’s see if it works. If it does, it’ll really perk me up no end.

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