FINALLY I have fought my way back to my blog through the mounds of paperwork accrued during the girls’ two weeks of half term holiday – that’s right, two weeks. And yesterday was, you’ve guessed it, an inset day. Because they just don’t get enough time off.
So anyway, at long last, here’s my roundup of Dulwich’s best pumpkins this year, as sampled by our eager band of trick-or-treaters. Admittedly, most of the group was a lot more interested in stuffing as much sugar into their sacks/mouths/hot sticky hands as possible, but one or two of us kept up our aesthetic standards. All right, one.
Here’s a great skull:
And a scary ghostie. I particularly liked the gothic arches behind the spooky spectre:
Though I think the winner is still last year’s spooktacular catbat:
But this witch did give it a run for its money:
All in all, though, I think the outright winner might be over on A Modern Mother’s blog. Readers with delicate stomachs, click with caution please!