It wasn’t until a friend said that she was getting highly stressed by Christmas, that I realised something. I really need to get stressed about Christmas! I’ve been coasting along in a bubble, doing other things, just vaguely pootling about as usual, while all the time Christmas has been lurking under the surface, just like Jaws when that duh-duh-duh-duh music starts …..
Part of my problem is that most of my relatives live abroad. Out of sight, not out of mind, but still a bit less ever-present than other people’s, maybe. Certainly they’re not popping round every five minutes saying, ‘what on earth are you getting me this year? Hope it’s better than last year.’ And that’s what I need. Constant reminders. Before that tinsel-encrusted shark bites me.
I did get a memory-jog the other day, when someone mentioned they’d been sent a bouquet for their birthday. Now that is a brilliant idea for relatives abroad. It’s something a little bit different – certainly different from the Amazon vouchers I will be panic-buying on Christmas Day if I don’t get my skates on – which shows you’ve given the matter a bit of thought. It’s quite easy to get flowers direct these days, and they don’t have to be those half-hearted bouquets of pastel carnations you used to get. I’ve just had a quick look and seen mini Christmas trees, lovely festive centrepieces, even plants if you don’t want to give something as fleeting as flowers. Champagne and chocs can be winged around the world, too. And, if you’re looking specifically for gifts for her, you can get anything from bubble bath to personalised cupcakes.
Not that I’m hinting or anything. Because I would never do that. You know me. And besides, I’m much too busy trying to avoid that glittery Christmas shark ……