It’s Review Time

This month here at Divorce Towers we’ve been very busy, testing some lovely new stuff, all on your behalf, of course:

1. Galaxy Bites. Yummy little caramel spheres, lovingly coated in Galaxy choc. What’s not to like? A big thumbs-up from my residence caramel addict, Child Two.

2. Speedo Sea Squad ponchos, arm bands and goggles. These went down a storm – lovely products, aimed really well at junior swimmers. The gorgeous velour ponchos were my favourite – just right to jam over the head of a wriggling would-be mermaid, and hey presto, they are dry. No more chasing them round the changing room with a boring old towel. Excellent.

3. Mama Tea. These arrived beautifully packaged and swaddled in tissue. The perfect thing for a mummy in need of a little (calorie free) treat – and aren’t we all worthy recipients of a small something to ease the day along? Some of them are specifically for pregnancy, like the Ready Mama tea with raspberry leaf, but Morning Mama and Glowing Mama are fine for any time. Lovely!

4. And lastly, those clever bods at Three Mobile have launched a clutch of little helpers to ease the lot of Midnight Mums – the 48 per cent of mothers who find themselves hunched over their PCs late at night, trying to catch up on stuff they’ve put aside while doing everything for everyone else during the day. Called Mums on the Go, it offers a guide to useful apps for time-poor mummies, and features a competition to find the UK’s busiest mum. Well, I’m obviously too busy to even enter *I can hear my family snorting from here* but you might well have a moment. If you do, head over to Three Mobile’s Facebook fan page and have a look at what they have to offer. Apparently we can all save 135 hours a year if we have access to the internet all day long …. or we could spend more time looking at But maybe that’s just me J

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