It’s very odd, but ever since I got my iPhone a month ago, I have suddenly realised what it is to be in step with the rest of the world. You see, as a rebellious second child, I have spent my whole life not-quite-conforming, sometimes on purpose, sometimes by accident. Take my school career. I hated sport, I refused to do homework that wasn’t interesting, I cheated in tests because I couldn’t be bothered to do the work, then, when I finally got to primary school, I got drunk and went out with boys while everyone else was learning latin. Obviously I then went on to smoke behind every possible bike shed and continued to do so for years in the face of opposition from the entire planet. Other naughtinesses went on, but I won’t mention them in a family blog, even a broken family blog. Now, in staid middle age, I’ve not only got divorced, but have chosen to do so in Dulwich, where even raising your voice with a spouse is So Just Not Done.
With the iPhone, I seem finally to have joined a club. It’s popular, it’s trendy – even Zac Effron has one, for goodness’ sake, in 17 Again. The uber Mommy US bloggers in Disneyland had them, need I say more? There are ads for them on the telly the whole time. Then, in Sainsbury’s today, I saw a whole row of iPhone-friendly appliances lined up, for docking, for playing music, for ironing shirts ….no, not quite that. But still. It’s a strange feeling for me to be able to buy something so easily, I’m so used to my phone chargers etc being obsolete as my mobile is so unhip. I picked up a gleaming white dock thing and admired it. Only £34.99! Naturally, I had to have it. Erm, just a little snag ……a yellow label under the price said it all. ‘Sold out.’ Of course! That’s the price of being in the swim.