I’m so grateful to the lovely C this morning. He’s sent me this brilliant clip, which shouldn’t be hilarious – but it really is. Watch it if, like me, you’re having a bit of a grey Wednesday morning:
I’m sad because I’ve just heard that my former next-door neighbour in Belgium has been very ill. I think about her, and miss her, most days – but I’ve been very lax about ringing her recently. Well, it’s been the summer, we’ve been here, there and everywhere on our staycations and, to admit the truth, speaking to her brings back memories of a life which I will never, now, get back again and it always makes me a bit mournful. Selfish, but there you are. I somehow, irrationally, feel that there’s a direct link between my neglect and her illness. Anyway, get well, my dearest S, and I will come and visit you soon. Hope the clip makes you smile.