Month: May 2012

Gardening leave

I have a confession to make. I’ve been neglecting my blog. I have another love. It’s crept up on me all of a sudden, but it’s turned into a deep passion, more or less overnight. Well, since it stopped raining anyway. It’s gardening. It’s just so lovely to be outside, pottering around in the flowerbeds, …

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First Class

Sponsored Post Are you getting excited about the Olympics? No, me neither. If you live in London, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that moving around the city in August will be like doing a triathalon for all us regular citizens, let alone the athletes themselves. And if you don’t live in London, it’s still …

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Launder that life

Did you see The Hoarder Next Door last week, Channel 4’s latest lifestyle shocker? I watched it with Child Two last night on catch-up and it’s rocketed into first place in my telly loves list, ahead of even Homeland – well yes, mainly because Homeland has just finished, but still …. I’m not sure what …

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Stick up

Thanks so much for all your sympathy over poor Child Two’s GCSE travails. As you now know, the school make the whole of Year 9 take one of their exams early. They are only 14, and it’s not even a subject that she would particularly want to take at 16. But there we are, it’s …

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Just fabulous

Lovely to be included in the fabulous Tara’s video of fabulousness over on her blog Sticky Fingers. We certainly are a talented bunch, we mummy bloggers. Though, with all the juggling, cake-making and multi-tasking on show, I kind of wish I’d chosen something a bit more radical than cleaning as my own claim to fabulousness. …

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