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If you’ve ever wondered what Father Christmas gets up to for the other eleven months of the year, you’ll be greatly indebted to PhotoBox, the nifty online digitial photo folk, who have done ground-breaking research on the subject. They haven’t quite gone as far as installing CCTV cameras at the North Pole, but they have done the next best thing – and asked the nation’s children what they think Santa is up to when not whizzing round the globe delivering presents.
It turns out that 26 per cent are confident that Santa’s favourite drink is beer, and 24 per cent believe that he likes nothing better than to have a Sunday roast with the Tooth Fairy. His hobbies are singing (42 per cent) and playing football (23 per cent).

All photos: copyright: © Mikael Buck/Photobox
Well, I can believe it all, except the last bit. Surely Father Christmas would have more taste than to play such a terminally dull game? And wouldn’t his huge tum somewhat impede his progress around the football field? But for the rest, I’m sure they’re spot on, and I shall definitely be raising a glass this Christmas to Santa’s happy Sunday noshes with the Tooth Fairy.